Driving directions

Cable plant "Energoprom"". For letters: 49074, Ukraine, Dnepr, PO Box 4020

Postal address: Dnepr, Vyrobnycha street, 14

Legal address: 52005, Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region, Dnepropetrovsk district, town. Yubileinoye, st. Vyrobnycha, 14

Sales department phone number: 38(063) 798-36-99, 38(095) 471-80-38, 38(056) 798-36-99
E-mail sales department, Submit cable requests here: energoprom04@ukr.net , energoprom05@ukr.net

E-mail chief mechanic: vasilenkoviktor1969@gmail.com
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 9:00-17:00
TIN: 230755204080


Directions to Cable Plant Energoprom Dnepr


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