Certificate of ISO 9001 quality system

   The international certificate of compliance to the ISO 9001 quality management organizations and enterprises.

   Compliance with ISO 9001 requirements is a high level of reliability of the provider and the quality factor of his company. If you look at today's manufacturers of goods, according to ISO 9001 - this is a small plus, which gives the opportunity to enter the market. This certificate ISO 9001 is an external and independent confirmation of the achievement of a high quality standard requirements.

Quality System Certificate ISO 9001

   Ukrainian versions of the standards:

  • DSTU ISO 9000:2007 - analogue ISO 9000:2005;
  • DSTU ISO 9001:2009 - analogue ISO 9001:2008.

   Certificate of compliance with ISO 9001 requires businesses:

  • working with partners or in markets that require such a certificate;
  • working in various sectors of the economy, state or corporate controlled so that the presence of the certificate of conformity to ISO 9001 is required;
  • for membership in various organizations where the ISO certificate is a necessary condition for the entry;
  • to increase the company's competitive advantage in today's market;
  • wishing to confirm the implementation of the management system aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services of the enterprise;
  • for export to markets in Europe and other countries.